
When did President Nixon make a trip to China to improve relations with the People's Republic of China?

A. In 1972
B. In 1973
C. In 1970
D. In 1971


The Clinton Administration made the following elements the three pillars of American foreign policy. Which of them is not included?

A. National security
B. Contraction
C. economic prosperity
D. promotion of democracy

Up to the Second World War, American foreign policy can be described as swinging between _____________ and interventinism

When Ronald Reagan became president in 1982, he wanted to reverse the situation in which the Soviet Union reached parity with the US. He initiated the _______________ project.

一手资料主要是经过自己直接收集整理以及从直接经验中所获得的资料。下列不属于一手资料的是( )。

A. 用户访谈情况
B. 用户的行为数据
C. 研究报告
D. 问卷调研情况
