(True or False) According to Charity or Scam, people should turn off online charities because of e-confusion.
(True or False) According to Charity or Scam, when you're asked to click a button, play a silly game, or watch a video to donate to a good cause, you just assume that it's a scam, try to ignore it.
A. True
B. False
(True or False)According to the Charity or Scam, there are a lot of scams and misinformation on the web relating to charity.
A. True
B. False
(True or False)According to Charity or Scam, the scammers also take advantage of some natural disasters to make money.
A. True
B. False
(True or False) According to Charity or Scam, in the website FreeRice, you can do something good for the charity by playing some educational games.
A. True
B. False