Like most students at Fort Hays State University, Nola Ochs 1. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ reading and studying during this week's fall break. But she'll take time out on Wednesday to 2. ______ _____ ______ birthday .Ochs is living on campus while 3. ______ ______ ______ in theology at the university. She has about 15 hours of classes to take next semester to get her 4. ______ ______ .If she does it, Ochs will be The Guinness Book of World Records’ 5. ______ ______ ______ . But it will also be the culmination of 6. ___ ______ ____ ______ . She started at Fort Hays in 1930s , when it was known as Kansas State 7. ______ ______ . In the 1970s, she took classes part-time at a 8. ______ college and completed a few 9. ______ ______ on the Internet before deciding to attend classes this semester.On Friday, her family and fellow classmates will 10. ______ her a birthday party. Her son Alan Ochs, flew in from Jetmore for the 11 ______ . Her granddaughter, Alexandra Ochs, didn't have to travel as far —she's in the same class as her grandmother. After the party, Alan Ochs will take his mother home 12. ____ ______ ______ .“We’re happy to get her back home for a while, "he said. ‘We missed having her out there, especially through the 13. ______ ______ . ”Though Nola is amused by her 14. ______ ______ as the world's oldest graduate, she said she's more 15. ______ about getting to walk at the 16. ______ 17. _____ 18. _____19. _____ 20. ______ .