
推动全社会树立法治意识,深入开展法治宣传教育,把( )纳入国民教育体系和精神文明创建内容。

A. 国民教育
B. 法治教育
C. 法制教育
D. 公民教育


对因违法违纪被开出公职的( )、吊销执业证书的律师和公证员,终身禁止从事法律职业。

A. 立法人员
B. 执法人员
C. 司法人员
D. 公务人员

Helping our students to develop the ability of automatic word recognition is the basis for developing their skills.

A. writing
B. listening
C. reading
D. speaking

is one kind of test formats that students are provided with a set of statements related to the read or heard texts and required to decide whether they are true or false according to the texts.

A. Multiple-choice questions
B. Matching questions
C. True or false questions
D. Gap-filling of

Some vocabulary consolidation activities that can be done in class are .

A. rebelling
B. describes and draw
C. word association
D. All the above
