故宫博物院是古代建筑。The Palace Museum is an ____________ building.
庆祝新年是世界上最古老,最令人激动的风俗之一。Celebrating New Year’s Day is one of the oldest and most exciting ____________ around the world.
这个仪式象征着旧的一年烧尽了,新的一年来临了。This _________ symbolises that the old year is burned up and the new year is allowed to enter.
你可以远眺黄浦江对面的新上海。You can have a __________ of many modern buildings of the new Shanghai across the Huangpu River.
A. 取值可为正整数、负整数和0
B. z-index的默认属性值是0
C. 取值越小,定位元素在层叠元素中越居上
D. z-index属性仅对定位元素有效