Why does the bride wear a piece of family jewelry while getting married?
A. It is the bride’s favorite.
B. It is the unique one.
C. It is very precious.
D. It is a link with the bride’s family and her old life.
41.当动脉血压﹤40mmHg时,可出现( )
A. 血尿
B. 少尿
C. 无尿
D. 蛋白尿
E. 多尿
A. 2000元以上20000元以下的罚款
B. 3000元以上50000元以下的罚款
C. 4000元以上50000元以下的罚款
D. 5000元以上50000元以下的罚款
50.正常情况下,肾小球滤过率为( )
A. 100ml/min
B. 200ml/min
C. 175ml/min
D. 125ml/min
E. 150ml/min