
Section BYou are ready to travel. But You haven’t traveled much and have many problems to deal with. None of your friends or families 1. s______ that dream. You could go alone though it is a difficult decision. I traveled solo to China and after that to several other countries. My friends, 2.a______, co-workers and the natives from the countries I visited consider it strange, 3.i______, 4.r______ and strange. My solo travel has been sometimes a 5.b_______, sometimes a 6.c_____. Not-so-pleasant experiences in Indonesia, Japan, Italy, China have shown that traveling solo could also put me at risk. Having a 7.c______ might have 8.s______ me from some dangers, but it would have made me lose the opportunities to enjoy the trip, eat 9.e______ food, be nursed by strangers, meet locals in the trip.But you have to be careful not to endanger yourself by throwing caution to the wind. Open your mind, close your eyes and leap in! Everything that happens to you will benefit you in some way. Don’t ever let a lack of companionship 10. c_________ you from doing traveling solo because traveling solo is a blessing overall.


甲状腺肿大常见于下列哪些疾病及声像图特征:①单纯性甲状腺肿大, 轻度肿大, 内回声均匀②单纯性甲状腺肿大, 中度以上肿大, 内回声不均③地方性甲状腺肿, 不同程度肿大, 早期内回声均质, 晚期呈大小不等无回声④地方性甲状腺肿, 轻度肿大, 内回声均匀⑤毒性甲状腺肿, 普遍性增大低回声, CDFI 呈火海征,高速低阻, Vmax70~100cm/ s⑥毒性甲状腺肿, 呈结节性增大中等回声, 血供不丰富⑦结节性甲状腺肿大, 不对称不均匀增大, 内有多个结节, 无包膜, 有液化呈无回声, CDFI 内有丰富的血流信号⑧结节性甲状腺肿大, 对称性均匀增大, 很少液化, CDFI内未见血流信号

A. ②④⑥⑧
B. ①③⑤⑦
C. ①④⑤⑧
D. ②③⑥⑦


A. 波源不动时,波源的振动周期与波动的周期在数值上是不同的
B. 波源振动的速度与波速相同
C. 在波传播方向上的任一质点振动相位总是比波源的相位滞后(按差值不大于p计)
D. 在波传播方向上的任一质点的振动相位总是比波源的相位超前(按差值不大于p计)


A. 1:2
B. 2:1
C. 1:4
D. 4:1


A. 对
B. 错
