会谈中暂时体止一 下,当求助者因情绪激动或思.维混乱而喋喋不休时,不能够硬行迫使他停止会谈,这时可以请他抽支烟;替他倒一杯水,请他取一样东西过来, 或者建议他换一一个地方再继续谈等等。这种方法是______
p195[音频]请同学们上传答题截图Task 2. A word's or phrase's meaning often varies with the context. The words and phrases in bold are from Listening Skills & Strategies in this part. Study their definitions. Tick(√) each example sentence if the word's or phrase' meaning remains the same, and cross (X) it if it varies from the given definition. Explain each word you have crossed.1 swipe: to move (one's finger) across a touch-screen in order to activate a function() Please swipe your card to enter.( ) We can open the e-book and swipe through the chapters.2. browse: to look through the pages of a book, magazine, etc. without a particular purpose, just looking at the most interesting parts( ) Jon was browsing through the photographs.() We can open the book and browse through its contents.3. zoom: if a camera zooms in, it makes the person or thing you are taking a picture of seem bigger or closer; if it zooms out, then the target becomes smaller and further away.()The work was really easy and l zoomed through it in a couple of hours.() If we want to zoom into a page in this digital book, we can just open it up.4. walk somebody through: to guide someone deliberately through(a process), one step at a time()They walked me through how to use almost any new electronic gadgets.()Al Gore will walk you through this digital book and explain the photos.