Conversation 4[音频]
A. She is too intimidated to speak in front of others.
B. She is not very confident in her own figure.
C. She has started doing exercise at home.
D. She is waiting for a class to start now.
Conversation 5[音频]
A. She is good at planning weekend activities.
B. She has never been on a camping trip before.
C. She cannot save herself if she falls into water.
D. She has more interest in canoeing than in camping.
A. 航空运输销售代理
B. 航空货运代理
高血压临床试验分为试验组和对照组,分析考虑治疗0周、2周、4周、6周、8周血压的动态变化和改善情况,为了直观显示出两组血压平均变动情况,宜选用的统计图是( )。
A. 半对数线图
B. 线图
C. 条图
D. 直方图
E. 百分条图