毛泽东1971年八月中旬至9月12日在南方巡视期间同沿途各地负责同志谈话中,针对林彪等人的阴谋活动而提出了“三要三不要”,后来并多次使用这三句话,告诫“四人帮”。下列一项不属于“三要三不要”的是( )。
A. 要搞马克思主义、不要搞修正主义
B. 要坚持党性、不要违背党的原则
C. 要团结,不要分裂
D. 要光明正大,不要搞阴谋诡计
截至1976年,同新中国建立外交关系的国家有( )个。
A. 89
B. 113
C. 125
D. 174
本题测试出自《医学英语文献选读》1 Unit 1 Text B。Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) What implied message can we get from para.2?
A. There is an Alzheimer's patient in every U.families.
B. There is an Alzheimer's Caregiver in every U.families.
C. There is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease.
D. There is no treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
What is not a clue that scientists obtained from studies of older people who have maintained their mental acuity in para.7?
A. They always have strong ties to relatives, friends and community.
B. They are often both physically healthy and physically active.
C. They often engage in stimulating or intellectually challenging activities.
D. They often maintain a balanced and healthy diet.