



A. 生产
B. 储运
C. 流通
D. 销售


A. 正确
B. 错误

You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain named All network servers run Windows Server 2003. Terminal Server is installed on a member server named Server1, which is located in an organization unit (OU) named Servers. User of Server1 report unacceptable response times. To investigate, you start Task Manager on Server1. You discover that the average CPU usage is 80 percent. However, when you select the Processes tab, none of the processes show significant CPU usage. You need to identify the process that is responsible for the CPU usage. What should you do?()

A. In Task Manager, select the Show processes from all users option.
B. From a command prompt, run the query process command.
C. Open the Terminal Services Manager. Select Server1 from the list of servers, and then select the Processes tab.
D. Edit the Group policy object (GPO) for the Servers OU by adding your user account to the Profile a single process policy. Then use Task Manager to re-examine Server1.

患者女性,29岁,因“反复尿频、尿急、尿痛、腰痛10个月,加重伴发热1日”来诊。1年前因右侧输尿管结石,行体外碎石术治疗,每次发作时给予“头孢菌素”口服或静脉治疗约5日,可好转。查体:体温38.6℃。实验室检查:血常规示白细胞11.8×109/L,中性粒细胞0.88;尿常规示白细胞(++++),红细胞(++)。诊断:急性肾盂肾炎。初始药物治疗方案:左氧氟沙星注射液500mg,静脉滴注,每日1次。 尿细菌培养是诊断泌尿系统感染的重要标准,关于尿细菌培养,叙述正确的是()

A. 可采用清洁中段尿、导尿及膀胱穿刺尿做细菌培养,其中膀胱穿刺尿培养结果最可靠
B. 中段尿细菌定量培养≥106/ml,称为真性菌尿,可确诊尿路感染
C. 中段尿细菌定量培养革兰阳性球菌菌数≥104/ml,称为真性菌尿,可确诊为尿路感染
D. 中段尿细菌定量培养革兰阴性杆菌菌数≥105/ml,称为真性菌尿,可确诊为尿路感染
E. 近7日内使用过抗菌药物、饮水过多,尿液被稀释等可出现假阴性结果
F. 中段尿收集不规范,标本被污染、尿标本在室温下存放超过1小时才进行接种等可造成假阳性结果
