

A. 信用卡账户余额查询
B. 信用卡上期账单头查询
C. 信用卡账单日查询
D. 储蓄自动还款加办次数查询


购人固定资产时,发生的增值税进项税应计人“应交税费——应交增值税(进项)”账户,不计入固定资产的成本。( )

A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 手工清洗
B. 浸洗法
C. 喷洗法
D. 高压清洗法


A. 正确
B. 错误

A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limitof the channel which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.Which one of the followings does the statement express?().

A vessel shall proceed near the other vessel on her starboard side on the narrow channel since it is safe and practicable
B. A vessel shall avoid proceeding near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel as long as it is safe and practicable
C. A vessel shall avoid proceeding along the channel because it is not safe and practicable
D. A vessel shall proceed near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel to the degree in which it is safe and practicable
