A. 狗急跳墙
B. 狼心狗肺
C. 丧心病狂
D. 暴跳如雷
A. 科学
B. 健康
C. 社会
D. 艺术
When the heavy fuel oil is heated to achieve the viscosity of 10-15 cSt, may occurTo avoid this, a system is used in most occasions.
A. boiling and cavitations; low temperature
B. boiling and cavitations; pressurized
C. leaking and boiling; low temperature
D. leaking and boiling; pressurized
A. 车间级的安全生产教育和培训
B. 班组级的安全生产教育和培训
C. 专门的安全生产教育和培训