Conventionally,a computer consists of at1.ast one processing element, typically a(73) and some form of memory.
A. device
C. controller
D. network
The most well-known member of the el hemet protocol family is IEEE 802.11,otherwise known
A. virtual private network
B. local area network
C. storage arca network
A. 紧密连接
B. 中间连接
C. 桥粒
D. 缝隙连接
Interrupt Service Routines (ISR) are the )ortions of the program code that handle the interrupt requests. When an Interrupt is triggere i (either a hardware or software interrupt), the processor breaks away from the current task. moves the (72) to the ISR, and then continues operation. When the ISR has comr Leted, the processor retums execution to the previous location.
A. memory
B. function
C. instruction pointer D variable