下列各项中,含高尔基体和内质网都较多的细胞是( )
A. 神经胶质细胞
B. 软骨细胞
C. 肌肉细胞
D. 胰腺外分泌部细胞
下列哪些属于分泌蛋白( )
A. 有氧呼吸有关酶
B. 血红蛋白
C. 胃蛋白酶
D. 胰岛素
Why is the girl disappointed after she talked withpeople in the market?
Eliza,the girl in the video clip, was a flower girl in the market before she was taught the standard English and manners. What do you think about people’s manners? How can manners change a person?