According to the text, which one is NOT correct?
A. In college, you will discover what learning is about.
B. In college, you can make mistakes without punishment.
C. In college, you will have a lot of free time.
D. In college, being in control of your life will make you feel great.
下面有关jQuery事件,描述错误的是( )。
A. click 鼠标点击某个对象
B. focus 元素失去焦点
C. load 事件会在页面或图像加载完成后立即发生
D. mousedown 某个鼠标按键被按下
下列选项中,不属于jQuery中的键盘事件的是( )。
A. keydown()
B. keyup()
C. keypress()
D. ready()
在jQuery中,属于鼠标事件方法的选项是( )。
A. onclick()
B. mouseover()
C. onmouseout()
D. blur()
下列jQuery方法中,哪几个可以用于事件处理程序的绑定__ ____。(选三项)
A. click()
B. bind()
C. one()
D. unbind()