Translate these into Chinese.If the parking brake is fully released but the Brake Warning Light remains on, have the brakes checked immediately.They may not be working properly.
Translate these into Chinese.Do not use the gearshift in the place of the parking brake.Always set the parking brake fully and make sure that the gearshift is securely latched in P(Park)(automatic transmission) or in N(Neutral)(manual transmission).
单选题(3) 以下不属于选拔党的干部的原则的是()
A. 德才兼备.以德为先,五湖四海、任人唯贤
B. 事业为上、人岗相适、人事相宜
C. 平易近人,关心群众,将心比心
D. 公道正派、注重实绩、群众公认
多选题(1) 习近平总书记指出好干部要做到()
A. 信念坚定
B. 为民服务
C. 敢于担当
D. 勤政务实
E. 清正廉洁
填空题(2) ____是党事业的骨干,是人民的公仆