A. 耳声发射测听
B. 听觉行为反应法
C. 视觉强化测听
D. 游戏测听
E. 纯音测听
A. 器官水平
B. 个体水平
C. 社会水平
D. 心理
E. 个人水平
Some universities even require that all students own or lease a laptop. Some say the focus on technology prepares students for a wired world. "You have to keep up with the rest of the world. Students expect high-bandwidth information, and if you can't deliver it, you're at a competitive disadvantage," states a university president.
A. The topic sentence introduces an effect, and then the details are provided to explain the causes.
B. The topic sentence introduces a cause, and then the effects are described.
A. 拇指揉法
B. 一指禅推法
C. 拇指推法
D. 一指禅偏锋推法
E. 指抹法
A. 刺激量宜小
B. 刺激量宜均
C. 刺激量宜大
D. 刺激量宜持久
E. 以上都不是