Toget near animals without scaring them, Dereckdresses as .
A. a lion
B. a zebra
C. a cheetah
Wheredo the Jouberts spend most of theirtime?
A. three months
B. three years
C. eight years
Wheredo the Jouberts spend most of theirtime?
A. at home.
B. in a tent.
C. in their car.
Intotal, how many films have the Jouberts made?
A. 12.
B. 22.
C. 32.
A. “给气潜水”指的是潜水者在水下潜水时得到气体供应的一种潜水方式
B. 给气潜水又分为“水肺潜水”和“水面供气潜水”
C. 潜水者自己携带供气装置在水下活动的称为水肺潜水
D. 依靠一条送气管从水面将空气输送给潜水者使用的称为水面供气潜水