According to whether a person gives informed consent, euthanasia has 3 types:
A. voluntary
B. non-voluntary
C. involuntary
D. passive
Some thoughts about the meaning of life are:
A. What is the meaning of life? What's it all about?
B. Who are we?
C. Why are we here?
D. What are we here for?
Howtobeagood & happy person?
A. toleavetheworldasabetterplacethanyoufoundit
B. todoyourbesttoleaveeverysituationbetterthanyoufoundit
C. tobenefitothers
D. togivemorethanyoutake
Some argumentsabouteuthanasiaare:
A. Istherealegalrighttodie?
B. Whatisthepowerofahealthcarepowerofattorney?
C. Whatisthepowerofado-not-resuscitateorder(DNR)?
D. Arelivingwillsagoodidea?
A. What is the origin of life? How come is our life?
B. What is the nature of life? What is the nature of reality?
C. What is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of one's life?
D. What is the significance of life?