Thepassagetellsusthat ____________ isanessentialelementof AmericancultureandAmericansare on time formostevents.
A. puncture
B. punctual
C. punctually
D. punctuality
Whenschedulinganactivity,thewriterusually ____________ itinto hisagenda.
A. avoid
B. log
C. annoy
D. pay
Generally,Americanswillnotwaitlong,tenminutes ____________.
A. at the most
B. at hand
C. in advance
D. on time
WhenAmericansplananevent,theyusuallysetthetimedays,aweekorevenamonth ____________.
A. at the most
B. on time
C. in advance
D. at hand
People who are ____________ often call ahead to let the other party know they will come late.
A. running late
B. run late
C. showing up
D. show up