Which sentence best expressed the main idea of paragraph 7?
A. Miss Bean asked the author for his opinion about something Thomas Jefferson had done.
B. Miss Bean was the first teacher to ask the author to have his own opinion about something.
C. The author had been in favor of Franklin Roosevelt because his parents had been in favor of Roosevelt.
D. It seemed odd to the author to have opinions about historical figure like Thomas Jefferson.
At first, the teachers at the school other then Miss Bean___________
A. ignored the author.
B. challenged the author.
C. praised the author.
D. protected the author.
The sentence below expressed a relationship of________.“They weren’t brilliant answers, but they did establish the facts that I had read the assignment and that I could speak English.”(Paragraph 5)
A. addition.
B. contrast.
C. comparison.
D. cause and effect.
The sentence below express a relationship of_________.“Like our high school building or old Mayor Welch, [Jefferson] just was.”(Paragraph 7)
A. time.
B. illustration.
C. comparison.
D. contrast.
The sentence below expressed two relationships of_________.“I was for Roosevelt because my parents were and I was for the Yankees because my older buddy from Harlem was a Yankee fan.” (Paragraph 7)
A. cause and effect.
B. illustration.
C. comparison.
D. contrast.