Guobin Song (1893–1956) isChinese physician and ethicist. He wrote and published Professional Ethics in Medicine in ______, the first professional medical ethics in China in the 20th century, integrating Western medical ethics into Chinese clinical practice.
A. 1925
B. 1930
C. 1933
D. 1943
Mohammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (845–925), known as Rhazes, a _________ physician and philosopher, emphasized obligations to both friends and enemies.
A. Indian
B. Persian
C. Russian
D. German
Ekiken Kaibara (1630–1714), a _____________ physician and Confucian scholar, wrote Yojokun (Teaching and Care of Life), which emphasized a multifaceted concept of health that physicians should support and restore when lost.
A. Korean
B. Japanese
D. Indian
John Gregory (1724–1773), a ___________ physician and ethicist, professor of medicine at the University of Edinburgh, first physician to His Majesty the King in Scotland, is the author of the first modern text on professional medical ethics, based on Baconian scientific method and the principle of sympathy from David Hume's (1711–1776) moral science.
A. Irish
B. Scottish
C. England
D. American
"Difficult patients" can be seen as a __________ to be tolerated or terminated from practice, however the difficulty is in the relationship, not simply the patient and there are techniques and strategies to help clinicians improve that relationship and retain its therapeutic nature.
A. result
B. problem
C. gate
D. trigger