
垄断资本主义经济的实质是竞争。( )

A. 对
B. 错


一、单选题(共2题,50分)1、which is the better translation of the following sentence?在悉尼的郊区,有五周的时间尝试无车的生活方式,这令我们激动不已。

A. In sydney suburbs, there is 5-week lifestyle experiment of living without a car, we are excited about it.
B. We are excited about the 5-week lifestyle experiment of living without a car in the suburbs of Sydney.

2、瑞典哥德堡丢了一个六个月大的婴儿,然后全城警察出动,调用直升机和所有警犬全城搜捕,最后,婴儿在丢失两个小时后找到。How will you write it in English?

A six-month-old baby has been found, just over two hours after her disappearcance in Gothenburg.Earlier the police called in extra resoures, including police dogs and helicopters to help with the search efforts.
B. In Gothernburg, a six-month-old baby has been lost. Then all the police in the city went out to reseach her with police dogs and helicopters to help with the search efforts. Finally, the bay girl was found two hours later.

二、多选题(共2题,50分)1、Please choose the right sentences from the followingfour sentences.

A. Since I get my smart phone, I spend too much time texting my friends , I hardly ever send e-mails anymore.
B. Since I get my smart phone, I hardly ever send e-mails. Instead, I spend too much time texting my friends .
C. Hardly do I email my friends since I get my smart phone
D. SinceIget my smart phone, I don't e-mail my friend, I spend too much texting them.

2、In the following four choices A, B, C, D, which are good translations of the sentence"很多家长忙于工作,忽视了与孩子的沟通,这可能会导致孩子出现心理问题。"

A. Many parents spend most of their time at work, neglect the interaction with their children, it may lead to children's psychological problems.
B. Many parents spend most of their time at work and neglecting the interaction with their children, it may lead to psychological problems.
C. Many parents spend most of their time with their work and ignore the itneraction with chilidren, which leads to psychological problems with children.
D. If many parents spend most of their time at work and neglect the interaction with their children, children may have psychological problems.
