Before leaving port on an ocean tow,a tug captain should assure himself of all the following EXCEPT().
A. the towing hawser can be released quickly in an emergency
B. the correct navigation lights are rigged and operable on the tug and tow
C. an insurance underwriter has prepared a pre-sailing survey
D. a pick-up wire has been rigged on the tow in case of a breakaway
A. 废料
B. 定料
C. 原料
D. 号料
A. 密封胶
B. 导电脂
C. 绝缘涂层
D. 相序漆
A. 一二岁
B. 二三岁
C. 三四岁
D. 四五岁
训练中发生中暑时,应当采取的措施() ①解开衣领和腰带,扶到阴凉通风处休息 ②喝凉开水、淡盐水或糖盐水 ③针刺足三里、内关、太阳等穴 ④口服人丹或十滴水
A. ①②③
B. ②③④
C. ①②③④