Which current would you encounter on a direct passage from London,England,to Capetown,South Africa().
A. Falkland Current
Brazil Current
C. Norway Current
D. Benguela Current
You are a Database Administrator with WonderWeb. You use a password file to establish connections to the Sales database located on the server. You created the password file using the following command: ORAPWD file=d:\oracle\ora9i\orapwU01 password=admin entries=4 You erroneously deleted the password file while the database was running. You re-create the password file using the following command: ORAPWD file=d:\oracle\ora9i\orapwU01 password=change_on_install entries=4 However, when you try to connect as the SYS user, you receive the following error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges What should you do to resolve this error?()
A. Delete the newly created password file and re-create another password file with the password admin, without shutting down the database.
B. Enable the operating system authentication, shut down the database, disable the operating system authentication, and restart the database using the password file.
C. Enable the operating system authentication, shut down the database, re-create the password file using the same ORAPWD command, and restart the database using the password file.
Delete the newly created password file, enable operating system authentication and shut down the database. Then, re-create another password file using the same ORAPWD command and restart the database using this password file.
病例摘要: 杨某,男,40岁,平时工作劳累,饮食睡眠均无规律,形体肥胖。1个月前开始无明显诱因出现胸闷,烦躁,头晕头痛,怀疑血压升高,开始监测血压,1个月来自行检测血压结果,收缩压130~150mmHg,舒张压95~105mmHg。家族中母亲患有高血压病,目前服用硝苯地平缓释片和卡托普利,控制良好。平素头晕头痛,头重如裹,困倦乏力,胸闷,少食多寐,肢体沉重。 查体:T36.2℃,P84次/分,R20次/分,BP145/100mmHg。双肺呼吸音清,心率84次/分,律齐,肝脾未及,双下肢无浮肿。舌胖苔腻,脉滑。 辅助检查:心电图、头颅CT检查均未见明显异常。 答题要求:1.根据上述病例摘要,在答题卡上完成书面辨证论治。 2.鉴别诊断:请与原发性醛固酮增多症相鉴别。