


Why did the author's mother beat him?
[A] Because she saw him playing with the lead cowboy.
[B] Because his brother informed his mother of his stealing.
[C] Because he had been chasing his neighbor's cats.
[D] Because he left the house without having told his mother.

Questions 28 to 30 are based on the following news At the end of the news item, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the news.
Who will be the ball girls at the Masters Series Madrid event?
[A] Some novel writers.
[B] Female models.
[C] Local coaches.
[D] Young girls from local clubs.


A. 被代理人或代理人死亡
B. 代理期限届满或代理事务完成
C. 代理人丧失民事行为能力
D. 被代理人取得或恢复民事行为能力

Questions 26 and 27 are based on the following news. At the end o f the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the news.
What does The Moment of Isaac Newton refer to in the news?
[A] A discussion about Newton's theory.
[B] A conference held in the honor of Newton. .
[C] A display of Newton's works in the library.
[D] An exhibition of documents and other items about Newton.
