A. 200m3或30t
B. 300m3或450t
C. 400m3或600t
D. 500m3或800t
It can be inferred from the passage that_____.
A: scientist have made all the food fit to eat
B: only in recent years have people found that the food is related to one ’ s illness
C: all kinds of cancer are related to the diet
D: some additives are harmful to our health
混凝土预制桩停止锤击的控制原则为桩端进入坚硬的黏性土、中密以上粉土、砂 石、风化岩时以()控制为主。
A. 贯人度
B. 桩端标高
C. 桩进入土层的深度
D. A或B
地下防水工程的混凝土结构构件无明显裂缝,裂缝宽度不大于0. 20mm,且不渗水。按地下室建筑面积计算每() 1112裂缝数量不大于1条,满足抗渗和混凝土耐久性要求。
A. 500
B. 600
C. 800
D. 1000