以下关于虚拟机迁移的错误的是( )
A. 虚拟机迁移是指将虚拟机手动迁移到不同的主机,数据存储下,支持离线迁移和在线迁移
B. 虚拟机迁移内容包括更改主机,更改存储,更改主机和存储
C. 当虚拟机只更改主机时,要求目的主机必须能够访问到该虚拟机的镜像文件
D. 更改主机和存储指将虚拟机迁移到其他主机,同时将虚拟机镜像文件迁移到该主机上的其他存储,仅支持离线迁移
What is the first part of communication style mentioned by the speaker?
A. Commujnication by speech.
B. Non-verbal communication.
What does non-verbal communication include apart from facial expressions?
A. Gestures, seating arrangements, personal distance, and sense of time.
B. Seating arrrangements, personal distance, and sense of time.
Who often feel that raising their voices means an exciting conversation among friends?
A. Some black, Jewish and Italian Amercians.
B. Some white Americans.