
Let me take you on a trip towards death. (Sentence 3, Paragraph 1) indicates ______.

A. general anesthesia is dangerous
B. the operation will pain the patient m death
C. the operation will kill the patient
D. the anesthetist is speaking in a joking way


Why has President Bush's ban on lie detector evidence in military courts in 1991 been over-turned?

A. Because lie detection is surrounded by uncertainties.
Because it restricts the defendant' rights to prove that they are innocent.
C. Because 12 U.S. states also allow lie detection evidence to be heard in courts.
D. Because federal judges from the Supreme Court make their decisions on the basis of lie detection.

A.experimentsB.trial and errorC.factsD.studies

A. experiments
B. trial and error
C. facts
D. studies


A. 0.17
B. 0.35
C. 0.36
D. 0.42

城市规划法规文件的纵向体系由各级人大和政府按其立法职权制定的法律、法规、规章和规范性文件组成。下面列出的各级人大和政府(左侧)与立法职权相应的法规文件 (右侧)。如何连线是正确的。
(a) 全国人大 甲、法律
(b) 省级人大
(c) 国务院 乙、法规
(d) 建设部
(e) 省级政府 丙、规章
(f) 省级以下地方政府
(g) 地方城市规划行政主管部门 丁、规范性文件

A. (a) —甲、(b)(c) —丙、(d) —乙、(e)(f)(g) —丁
B. (9) —甲、(b)(d) —丙、(c)(e) —乙、(f)(g) —丁
C. (a) —乙、(b)(e) —丙、(c)(4) —甲、(f)(g) —丁
D. (a) —甲、(b)(c) —乙、(d)(e) —丙、(f)(g) —丁
