



Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.
Birds are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals whose bodies are covered with feathers. Other characteristics of birds are: wings; a short tail bone; the visible tail being composed entirely of feathers; a weak or nonexistent sense of smell; no teeth; and keen hearing, despite the absence of external ears. As in mammals (哺乳动物), the only other group of warm-blooded animals, the blood in the veins (静脉) of birds is kept totally separated from the blood in the arteries (动脉).
Birds evolved from reptiles, especially from some small dinosaur-relative. Gradually the scales of the dinosaur evolved into feathers, perhaps first for insulation as the animal evolved from cord to wing blade but later for flight. It is still unknown, however, whether flight developed when a ground-living form. began to flap its wings to increase its running speed (like the ostrich today), or when a tree climbing form. used imperfect wings to aid it in leaping from tree limb to tree limb. The evolution from reptile to the bird as we know it concluded about 75 million years ago, at the beginning of the Tertiary period, or age of mammals.
The earliest classification of birds relied upon easily recognized external characteristics or upon peculiarities of behavior. or appearance. For example, all web-footed birds were grouped together and all seed-eating birds were grouped together. Since the 19th century and the general acceptance of evolution, however, this method has given way to a sounder and more scientific procedure. Birds, as well as all other living things, are now classified in a way that best expresses their blood relationships and lines of descent. This kind of classification is known as a phylogenetic classification (系谱分类).
This passage is most probably taken from a ______.

A. piece of science fiction (科幻小说)
B. lecture
C. romantic story
D. news story


A. 自顶向下、逐步分解
B. 自顶向下、逐步抽象
C. 自底向上、逐步抽象
D. 自底向上、逐步分解

Task 1
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.
If you live or plan to travel where Lyme disease is a problem, there are important facts you should know. For example, you can get bitten by the tick (扁虱) that carries the disease while out gardening, walking, even playing with your dog. And, if you don't have any early symptoms, you might not know you have Lyme disease. You could be one of the few people who develop serious health problems. Left untreated. Lyme disease can lead to potentially serious joint and neurological (神经病学) conditions. Why put yourself or your family at risk?
Now, there's a vaccine (疫苗) that has been shown to be safe and effective in preventing Lyme disease. It's called LYMErix. New LYMErix for people 15 to 70. As with any vaccine, LYMErix may not protect 100% of individuals. LYMErix may be associated with local reactions including redness and swelling, full-like symptoms.
Ask your doctor about new LYMErix, or call toll free 1-888-LYMERIX, ext 200 for information.
Now is the time to begin building protection for yourself and your family for the upcoming season. Call your doctor today.
It's indicated in the passage that something important should be known for us ______.

A. if you live wherever there is Lyme disease
B. when you go out gardening or walking
C. if you are playing with your dog
D. when you are traveling around

听力原文:How is the weather there in winter?

A. It's often cold and snowy.
B. It's often wet and warm.
C. It's often cool and dry.
D. Not mentioned in the conversation.
