The VIP customers can take advantage of discounted room rates on a “first-come,first-served” basis.
A. 贵宾可以根据“先来先得”的原则,享受折扣房价的优惠。
B. 本酒店按照“先来后到”的顺序,安排贵宾入住并确定房价。
C. 根据“先来后到”的原则,先来的客人可选择房价折扣率
As an international company, ABC Company has been in business for over 50 years. Findinga job within the company can lead you to new heights in your career, as there is room to bepromoted to higher positions. These jobs can be the perfect fit for you if you are looking fora job within a growing company.
重铬酸钾法测定铁时,过去常用HgCl2 除去过量SnCl2 其主要缺点是:
A. SnCl2 除不尽
B. 不易做准
C. HgCl2有毒
D. 反应条件不好常握
A. HCl
B. KMnO4
D. K2Cr2O7
A. 酸碱指示剂的作用
B. 除去过量的SnCl2
C. 将Fe3+还原成Fe2+
D. 除去HgCl2