
A consumer maximizes satisfaction at the point where his valuation of good X, measured as the amount of good Y he would willingly give up to obtain an additional unit of X, equals:

A. the magnitude of the slope of the indifference curve through that point.
B. one over the magnitude of the slope of the indifference curve through that point.
C. Px/Py
D. Py/Px


An individual consumes only two goods, X and Y. Which of the following expressions represents the utility maximizing market basket?

A. MRSxy is at a maximum.
B. Px/Py = money income.
C. MRSxy = money income.
D. MRSxy = Px/Py.
E. all of the above

When Joe maximizes utility, he finds that his MRS of X for Y is greater than Px/Py. It is most likely that:

A. Joe's preferences are incomplete.
B. Joe's preferences are irrational.
C. Joe is not consuming good X.
D. Joe is not consuming good Y.


A. 联合家庭
B. 单亲家庭
C. 核心家庭
D. 主干家庭
E. 旁系家庭


A. 电话指导
B. 家庭访视
C. 在服务站对其家庭成员进行产后照顾指导
D. 发放健康教育指导手册
E. 定期为产妇体检
