Which of the following techniques did Dikinson frequently use in her poems?
A. images
B. slant rhyme
C. irony
D. exaggeration
The recurring themes in Emily Dickinson’s poetry include .
A. death
B. religion
C. democracy
D. nature
are the major themes of Walt Whitman’s works.
A. democracy and equality
B. immortality
C. individualism
D. nature
Whichofthefollowingstatements are correct?
A. LeavesofGrasshasbeenseenasthefirstgenuineAmericanepicpoem.
C. 1861-1865wasWaltWhitman’smostcreativeperiod.
D. WaltWhitmanheldthatartshouldbebasedorganicallyonnature.
Walt Whitman was .
A. a democrat
B. an individualist
C. an innovative poet
D. a calvinist