What is the author's purpose of writing this article?
A. To draw attention to Darwin's theory and advise people to be open to science.
B. To make believe that John was wronged and the jury should be condemned.
C. To warn people against new ideas that should not be given publicity to.
D. To persuade people that the Old Testament was no longer useful at all.
What narrative order is used in the first part (from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 9)?
A. Flashback.
B. Shift of locations.
C. Sequence of events.
D. Chronological sequence.
Which of the following is NOT true about the first day of the trial?
A. It was a historical regression for Darrow to see the author on trial.
B. People in the town took advantage of the trial to make money.
C. The judge and the jurors were narrow-minded and ignorant.
D. John's counsel included Darrow, Malone, Bryan and Hays.
By saying "There is some doubt about that" in Paragraph 19, Darrow mean
A. he had no idea of what the pupils meant
B. the evolution theory was nonsense
C. he was mocking the fundamentalists
D. man had no reasoning power
What does the phrase 'victorious defeat '"in Line 1, Paragraph 45 mean?
A. John completely failed in this trial and was fined $10
B. The trial had nothing to do with the promotion of the evolution theory
C. John's counsel won a victory in the trial and he got back his teaching job.
D. John was found guilty, but the trial paved the way for free expression of ideas.