8000年前的骨笛,也在模仿自然界的声音。The bone flute, which was made 8000 years ago, could also ____.
考古发现,在2000多年前,一个贵族家里的乐队有125件乐器,规模巨大。There were 125 ____ in the private orchestra of anoble more than 2000 years ago according to ___.
中国音乐发展到现在,种类丰富。今天中国音乐融合进了更多现代元素。_____make up Chinese music, some involving more ____.
从古典到现代,始终未变的是它的自然之美。However, the ____ of Chinese music endured from classic styles to the modern compositions.
1.我国的《海洋运输货物保险条款》可以分为( )。
A. 基本险
B. 附加险
C. 专门险
D. 特殊险