Therefore Taishan is _______ as the head of China’s _________ .因此泰山被记载为中国五岳之首。
_________ in his China’s Shandong province, Taishan has _______the Chinese history for thousands of years.泰山位于中国山东省,它见证了中国几千年的历史。
Chinese _______ believe that Taishan was a _______ mountain which connected with _______ .中国人的祖先认为泰山是一座与天界相连的圣山。
Because of this, _______ built _______ on Taishan to _______ for the nation’s _______ and people’s _______ .正因为如此,皇帝在泰山上筑坛,祈求国泰民安。
You will experience its _______ when you climb up Taishan.登临泰山时,你就会体会到它的险峻。