“some” in the last sentence of the first paragragh refers to
A. some cocoa trees
B. some chocolate drinks
C. some South American Indians
D. some shops
Visitors to England sometimes find the lack of public activities in the evenings ________.
A. depressed
B. depression
C. depressing
D. depressingly
77 (1 )诸葛亮显示出卓越的军事才华(2 )三顾茅庐
(3 )刘备拜诸葛亮为军师(4 )赤壁之战大败曹军
(5 )提出三分天下战略
A) Pollution of the environment. B) A new generation of pest killers. C)
A. Pollution of the environment.
B. A new generation of pest killers.
C. Over-killing by hunters.
Destruction of their natural homes.
A) In any case B) In a word C) In other words D) In no case