

A. 对
B. 错


An oscilloscope is easily the most useful instrument available for testing circuits because it allows you to see the signals at different points in the circuit.

A. 万用表
B. 示波器
C. 测试电路
D. 仪器

The best way of investigating an electronic system is to monitor signals at the input and output of each system block, to check that each block is operating as expected and is correctly linked to the next .

A. 监视
B. 模块
C. 预期
D. 调查

An oscilloscope to display a voltage – time ( V/t ) graph , a graph of voltage against time. Voltage on the vertical or Y-axis, and time on the horizontal or X-axis.

A. 曲线图
B. 电压-时间
C. 垂直或Y轴
D. 水平或X轴

Turn the POWER on. Apply a signal to the input terminal. Set the INTENSITY and FOCUS controls correctly, the spot will be reasonably bright, and as sharply focused as possible .

A. 电源开关
B. 亮度
C. 焦距
D. 亮点
