
己知在一个类体中包含如下函数原型:VOLUME operator-(VOLUME)const;,下列关于这个函数的叙述中,错误的是

A. 这是运算符-的重载运算符函数
B. 这个函数所重载的运算符是一个一元运算符
C. 这是一个成员函数
D. 这个函数不改变类的任何数据成员的值


Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: Lebanon's new prime minister is visiting Damascus for talks with Syrian leaders aimed at improving relations. Just a day earlier, the first government formed since Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon won a vote of confidence in Parliament.
Relations between Lebanon and Syria have been strained since Damascus bowed to international pressure, and ended its 29-year presence in Lebanon in April. Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's first official trip to Syria is a push to improve political, economic, and social stability in Lebanon.
Syria has implemented a tight border crackdown. Hundreds of transport trucks line the road to Syria waiting for clearance to cross the border. The reported lock down has been in place for more than a month, taking a toll on Lebanese exports. Many of the trucks carrying produce have lost thousands of dollars in revenues as the items have spoiled from the heat.
Many Lebanese claim the border crackdown is an attempt to strangle Lebanon's economy. Syria says it is in response to international pressure to stop insurgents and militants from crossing into the country.
Prime Minister Siniora's government won 92 votes of confidence in the 128-member parliament, where an anti-Syrian coalition won a majority in June elections.
Lebanon's new leader is visiting Syria in order to

A. discuss border issues
B. improve bilateral relations
C. sign a ceasefire treaty
D. form. allies


A. 作家石山先生发现名为“我是作家”的网友在自己的博客内提供其所著《天下》小说的收费下载,遂向该网站提出申请,要求删除此篇博客或断开链接,但网站收到通知后仍未采取必要措施,使得该网友继续因此获利,对于通知之后扩大的损失该网站应与该网友承担连带责任
B. 方驽购买位于湖南“楼坚强”小区住宅楼,结果在入住前1个月整栋楼倒塌,造成方某高额损失,对于该损失应由建设单位和施工单位承担连带责任
C. 陈婆婆因不满拆迁公司提出的条件,拒绝拆迁造成工期延误。开发商陈寺福对拆迁工人说,你们拆旁边房子的时候故意把他们厨房的房顶砸烂,没法用水他们就会搬了,拆迁工人依此行事,造成厨房内择菜的陈婆婆受伤,对此造成的损失应由拆迁公司负责,支招的陈寺福无需担责
D. 张三、李四、王五将赵大打伤,考虑到李四家境不好,拿不出多少赔偿金,赵大仅起诉要求张三、王五承担损害赔偿责任

Americans say "sure", but English men say "of course".

A. True.
B. False.

听力原文:Mr. Gao isn't here, too.

A. Nice to meet you.
B. My pleasure.
C. All right.
