
Why do we need a new flu vaccine every year?

A. Influenza mutates quickly and new strains result
B. Our bodies rid themselves of the vaccine yearly
C. When it gets warm outside, vaccines do not work anymore
D. Cooler temps often cause vaccines to mutate and not be effective


Corona viruses are a bit different from other RNA viruses. How?

A. They are quite large with many genes.
B. They are usually much more stable.
C. They often have a faster mutation rate.
D. A and B are both answers.

What is it about RNA viruses that makes them more successful than DNA viruses?

A. Smaller and fewer genes.
B. Infect many hosts.
C. Replicates quickly.
D. More likely to mutate.


A. 美好愿景
B. 人生使命
C. 价值观念
D. 创业精神


A. 创业种子要树立美好愿景、人生使命和价值信念
B. 创业种子的人生使命要以利于民族、利于国家、利于社会为重
C. 创业种子的核心价值应跟随时代潮流,坚信长期功利主义
D. 创业种子要大胆想象最好的自己,坚信未来自己
