
It is therefore essential that the methods used ensure that there is no or minimal contact between the worker, and others in the laboratory, with the microbe, either directly or as aerosols.

A. 必不可少的
B. 基本的
C. 本质的
D. 精华的


Equally, it is important that the microbes being worked with are kept pure and are not contaminated with those from the environment.

A. 污染
B. 受污染的
C. 弄脏的
D. 玷污

The skills and methods used to prevent these two occurrences are called aseptic or sterile techniques.

A. 不育的
B. 无菌的
C. 贫瘠的
D. 不毛的

This essentially mean that all tools and media used are free from the presence of any living material (sterile) and experiments are carried out in such a way as to prevent the accidental introduction of unknown microbes (contamination).

A. 不育的
B. 无菌的
C. 贫瘠的
D. 不毛的

Sterilization is a process which ensures the complete eradication of all living cells and viruses whereas disinfection is a vaguer term normally used to indicate the removal of potentially harmful microorganisms but not necessarily all other microbes.

A. 消毒
B. 杀菌
C. 使不孕
D. 无用状态
