Recognizing the shortage of time available to spend with their children, working, mothers
A. refuge
B. pride
C. place
D. action
An adult giraffe's head is about six feet above its heart. This means that to 【C1】______ enough blood up to the brain the circulatory 【C2】______ must be strong enough to keep the blood at very high pressure.
Biologists have known for some time that giraffes solve this problem by having 【C3】______ high blood pressure, about 【C4】______ that of human beings. But an international team of biologists began to 【C5】______ about this. If giraffes have such high blood pressure, they should have a 【C6】______ problem with swelling in their legs and feet. Why don't giraffes have swollen feet?
Giraffes should have 【C7】______ problem, too. Every time they bend heads 【C8】______ to drink, the blood should 【C9】______ to their heads and have a hard time 【C10】______ back up (when the head is down) to the heart. How come giraffes don't black out when they drink?
The answer to the 【C11】______ feet problem, the researchers found, is that giraffes have 【C12】______ the researchers call a "natural anti-gravity suit". It 【C13】______ out that the skin and other 【C14】______ in their legs and feet are 【C15】______ stiffer and tougher than those of other 【C16】______ . As a result, the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell.
Therefore, the blood has nowhere to go but back to the heart. What about blood rushing to the head 【C17】______ the giraffe bends down to drink? The researchers found that the giraffe's jugular vein, which 【C18】______ blood from the head back to the heart, has lots of one-way valves in it. In the giraffe's neck, there are lots of muscles that flex and relax repeatedly as the animal moves its head and sucks 【C19】______ drinking water. By squeezing the valved jugular vein, they 【C20】______ blood moving back to the heart even while the animal is drinking.
A. bring
B. produce
C. transfer
D. pump
The unstable international status has caused panic among American public who are worrying
A. Y
B. N
市盈率指标主要用来估计股票的投资价值与风险。投资者为了选择投资价值高的行业,可以根据不同行业的市盈率选择投资对象。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误