The thermal expansion valve reacts directly to the ()
A. temperature in the space being cooled
B. liquid refrigerant pressure at the solenoid valve
C. pressure drop across the evaporator coils
D. refrigerant gas superheat at the coil outlet
A. 浓差腐蚀
B. 缝隙腐蚀
C. 微观电化学腐蚀
D. 电偶腐蚀
A. 弹簧
B. 减震器
C. 弹簧与减震器
A refrigerant with oil in solution has a ().
A. higher boiling temperature for a given pressure than does a pure refrigerant
B. lower boiling temperature for a given pressure than does a pure refrigerant
C. boiling pressure equal to that of a pure refrigerant at a given pressure
D. boiling point will not be affected by entrained oil
A. 常春藤
B. 紫藤
C. 花叶蔓长春花
D. 茑萝