Certkiller .com has a software evaluation lab. There is a server in the evaluation lab named as CKT. CKT runs Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2. CKT has 200 virtual servers running on an isolated virtual segment to evaluate software. To connect to the internet, it uses physical network interface card. Certkiller .com requires every server in the company to access Internet. Certkiller .com security policy dictates that the IP address space used by software evaluation lab must not be used by other networks. Similarly, it states the IP address space used by other networks should not be used by the evaluation lab network. As an administrator you find you that the applications tested in the software evaluation lab need to access normal network to connect to the vendors update servers on the internet. You need to configure all virtual servers on the CKT server to access the internet. You also need to comply with company’s security policy. Which two actions should you perform to achieve this task()
A. Trigger the Virtual DHCP server for the external virtual network and run ipconfig/renew command on each virtual server
B. On CKT’s physical network interface, activate the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
C. Use Certkiller .com intranet IP addresses on all virtual servers on CK
D. Add and install a Microsoft Loopback Adapter network interface on CKUse a new network interface and create a new virtual network.
E. None of the above
小美,女,24岁,中专毕业,已婚,2010年7月诞下一子,目前待业在家。小美的母亲是一位朴实的农村妇女,因文化程度不高,身体状况不佳(动过手术,切除了一个肾脏,并因高血压导致小中风),所以至今无业,无固定收入。而小美的父亲患有听力障碍(耳聋,须辅助听器),虽有份较固定的工作,但是收入却不高。还有小美的丈夫自从去年退役后(因系外地户籍,加上学历低以及缺乏技能等原因),一直待业在家。小美曾在中专学习办公自动化的专业,毕业后考上了大专,由于家庭的经济问题,她只读了一年便退学了。小美一直想早日为家里分担压力,所以退学之后,她尝试做过不少工作,曾经做过手机促销员,公司流程操作员以及投资顾问等,但收入都不高,只够自己开销的。后因结婚生子回家,一直待业至今。最近,小美与丈夫经常吵架,夫妻之间的关系比较紧张,加上宝宝的出生,经济的压力等因素,从而导致小美情绪低落,并对未来的生活产生了焦虑和消极的情绪。 社区干部发现了这种情况,介绍社会工作者小王对小美一家进行服务。 按照社会工作实务通用过程模式,社会工作者对小美这一案例,如何开展工作?
A. 与前台业务岗位分离
B. 与前台业务混岗作业
C. 严禁替代前台业务岗位进行业务操作
D. 可替代前台业务岗位进行业务操作
A. 需求曲线向左方移动
B. 供给曲线向左方移动
C. 需求曲线向右方移动
D. 供给曲线向右方移动