

A. 失血
B. 心包填塞
C. 神经源性休克
D. 张力性气胸
E. 以上均有可能



A. 剧烈咳嗽、咳痰
B. 眼结膜充血、红肿
C. 大量流鼻涕、打喷嚏
D. 畏光、大量流眼泪
E. 无明显眼和上呼吸道刺激症状

You work as the IT professional in an international company which is named Wiikigo. You are experiencedin implementing and administering a network operating system. You are specialized in deploying servers,configuring Windows Server 2008 Terminal services and network application services, and configuring aweb services infrastructure. There are two servers named FC01 and FC02 in your company. And WindowsServer 2008 Enterprise is run by the server. The Failover Clustering feature is installed on the server. Theserver is configured as a two-node cluster. An application named APP01 is run by the cluster. The company work time is from 09:00 to 17:00. You need to make sure that APP01 can be accessed duringthese hours. FC01 is configured as the preferred owner for APP01. And you are required to preventfailback of the cluster during business hours. Which action should be performed to achieve the goal?()

A. To achieve the goal, the Prevent failback option should be enabled in the Failover properties.
B. To achieve the goal, the If resource fails, attempt restart on current node policy should be enabled for all APP01 resources. And then, the Maximum restarts for specified period should be set to 0.
C. To achieve the goal, the Period option should be set to 8 hours in the Failover properties.
D. To achieve the goal, the Allow failback option should be set to allow failback between 17 and 9 hours in the Failover properties.


A. 计分通报制
B. 目标责任制
C. 累计计分制
D. 项目责任制


A. 人民的命运
B. 世界的命运
C. 国家的命运
D. 民族的命运
