
“时势造英雄”,这是历史唯物主义的基本观点。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


Passage One
It can be shown in facts end figures that cycling is the cheapest, most convenient, end most environmentally desirable form. of transport in towns, but such cold calculations do not mean much on the frosty winter morning. The real appeal of cycling is that it is so enjoyable. It has none of the difficulties and tensions of other ways of traveling, so you are more cheerful after a ride, even through the rush hour. The first thing a non-cyclist says to you is: "But isn't it terribly dangerous?" It would be foolish to deny the danger of sharing the road with motor vehicles and it must be admitted that there are an alarming number of accidents involving cyclists. However, although police records indicate that the car driver is often to blame, the answer lies with the cyclist. It is possible to ride in such a way as to reduce risks to a minimum. If you decide to join the thousands in Britain who are now returning to cycling as a cheap, satisfying form. of transport your first problem will be trying to decide what bike to buy. Here are three simple roles of buying a bike.
1) Always buy the best you can afford. Of course there has to be a meeting point between what you would really like and economic reality, but aim as high as you can end you will get the benefit not only when you ride but also if you went to sell. Well-made bikes keep their value very well. And don't forget to include in your calculations the fact that you'll begin saving money on fares and petrol the minute you leave the shop.
2) Get the best frame, the main structure of the bicycle, for your money as you can Cheap brakes, wheels or gears can easily be replaced by more expensive ones, but the frame. sets the upper limit on any transformation you should allow for the possibility that your cycling ambitions will grow with practice. When you begin the four miles to work may be the most Yon ever dream of; but after a few months a Sunday ride into the country begins to look more and more desirable-The best thing is to buy a bike just a little bit better than you think you'll need, and then grow into it otherwise, try to get a model that can be improved.
3) The fit is vital Handlebars and seat height can be adjusted but you must get the right sized frame. On the whole it is best to get the largest size you can manage. Frame. sizes are measured in inches and the usual adult range from 21 inches to 25 inches, though extreme sizes outside those measurements can be found. Some people say if you take four inches from your inside leg measurement you will end up with the right size of bike. The basic principle, though, is that you should be able to stand with legs cither side of the crossbar (the bar goes from the handlebars to the seat) with both feet comfortably that on the ground
Passage Two
Thirsting for knowledge?
Thinking of subscribing to the TLS? Well, in the words of George Steiner, "It is unique and indispensable." What sets the TLS apart from other literary magazines is not just the quality but the range of its coverage. In every weekly issue, you will find in-depth comment on 30--40 books, with reviews and essays on every subject from Anthropology to Zoology, and a section devoted to film, theatre, opera and the visual arts. In fact, there's not much that matters in the world of literature, scholarship and the arts that you can't find in our pages--and all of it reviewed by the leading minds and the best writers of our time.
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A. Y
B. N

除实践以外,逻辑证明也是检验真理的标准。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


A. as a result
B. in general
C. in effect
D. on the other hand

According to the author, the most fundamental individual power is______.

A. control of attention
B. individual will
C. a good character
D. exceptional creativity
