A. xenophobia
B. acrophobia
C. hydrophobia
D. ideaphobia
The president is turning to racist rhetoricto distract from his failures. Don't fall for it.这里的“fall for it"的意思是:
A. 一见倾心,一见钟情
B. 上当,中圈套
C. 摔倒
D. 落后
They fell for each other instantly.的意思是:
A. 他俩一见钟情。
B. 他俩纷纷上当受骗。
C. 他俩互相欺骗。
D. 他俩都失败了。
A. Turn inward and examine yourself when you encounter difficulties in life.
B. Turn around and test yourself when you encounter difficulties in life.
C. Turn back and blame others when you encounter difficulties in life.
D. Turn outward and blame others when you encounter difficulties in life.