付款人应履行合同的( )义务。托收指示书中应注明付款人采取行动(付款或承兑)的确切期限。如果付款人在规定期限内不采取行动,必须向提示行说明理由,否则便构成( )。但付款人有权根据贸易合同审核单据,如有不符合合同要求的,有权( )。
All documents sent for collection must be accompanied by a ( ) indicating that the collection is subject to URC522 and giving complete and precise instructions. Banks are only permitted to act upon the ( ) given in such collection instruction, and in accordance with these Rules.
Banks will not examine documents in order to obtain ( ).
Unless otherwise authorized in the collection instruction, banks will disregard any ( ) from any party/bank other than the party/bank from whom they received the ( ).
Details of the bank from which the collection was received include ( ), postal and ( ) addresses, telex, ( ), facsimile numbers and reference.