What are the recent new ways of eating that can reduce the risk of Novel Corona Virus infections in Chinese people?
A. individual plating
B. use of communal chopsticks
C. use of individual utensils
D. having communal dining
E. sharing food with personal chopsticks
Adham Sayed, a Lebanese PhD student, chronicles Wuhan citizens’ life at the outbreak of COVID-19 in his book "Confidence Comes from Effectiveness: A Foreigner’s Wuhan Diary" . He remained in Wuhan during the city's lockdown and did things like:
A. writing about his experiences online
B. answering questions from people around the world
C. broadcasting livestreamed videos
D. giving interviews to various media
E. working with the people of Wuhan
The measures Chinese government has taken to tackle aging problem include:
A. upgrading the elder care system
B. setting up a universal insurance system
C. reforming the health care system
D. promoting "healthy aging", "lifelong learning" and training of retired people
E. making medical service accessible and affordable to citizens
F. increasing the number of elderly care health technicians
G. building more local clinics and setting up more hospital beds
The threats facing the health of China's population include:
A. the fast-rising aging population
B. deteriorating environment
C. a vegetarian diet
D. unhealthy lifestyle
E. life stress and work pressure